FREE Quiz apps to review lessons
& teach students

When preparing for exams, students’ journey from not knowing, to understanding a topic so well they can write about it without any assistance under timed pressure.

Getting high marks is a great achievement. Reading and re-reading text books and notes is boring and ineffective.

Students with poor: reading skills'; working memory; processing speed or self belief; benefit greatly from assistance at each stage of the journey.

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Thankfully LOTS and lots of tech solutions exist to aid this process.

There are many, many benefits of using these solutions.  They are far more effective than reading, and re-reading. They gamify the revision processing making it more effective, even fun!!

All the solutions below have an entry level option that is completely FREE.

The best one to choose depends on the subject being taught or the individual preferences of the person creating the review / quiz.

Rather than try to explain how each solution works I recommend watching these brief videos.

5 Tech Tools to use in the Classroom

Invest 10 minutes to learn about 5 new teaching tools.

This videos was created in early 2015 and yet many teachers are not aware these free tools exist.


My students LOVE Kahoot!!

I use it to review every lesson. It ensures I havent missed anything important from the lesson, and gives me the opportunity to understand what has been understook and reinforce key learning points.

This video shows how to use Kahoot to not only review lessons but to teach new concepts in an effective and engaging way.


Quizlet live



Also worth watching

While all the resources above will help those teaching students with dyslexia is also worth checking out our large selection of Videos to encourage dyslexics. These are not only great to share with students they also explain and clarify strengths and weaknesses of dyslexics