Dyslexia (SpLD) specific information

Below are a collection of resources that could significantly improve classroom teaching for dyslexic students. Implementing some of the strategies suggested will improve attainment for all learners not just those with specific learning difficulties.

Neil Mackay - Books and Videos

I am a HUGE fan of Neil Mackay. I learn from him whenever I have the opportunity. I try to implement his techniques when teaching students.

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Book - Removing Dyselxia as a Barrier to Acheivement

Neil has written a number of books Not being a big reader myself I cannot comment on them all but this book is excellent. It details many strategies to support students with dyslexia in the classroom


Neil Mackay's Strategies to support students with dyslexia in the classroom video

Neil Mackay on Today Tonight

Demystifying dyslexia

F.A.T City Workshop

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This dated video is excellent as it helps educational professionals understand how & why dyslexics struggle in school?

F.A.T. City.  How hard can it be?

The link sometime stops working. If this is the case just search YouTube for ‘FAT City workshop Richard Lavoie’. It is well worth the search.

Be warned it is a long video. Perhaps watch it while doing tasks that do not require your full attention.

PDF Transcript of the F.A.T. City Workshop

British Dyslexia Association - Teaching tips on video


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Telegraph article February 2017 discussing the disparity in the use of access arrangements between independent and state  schools. 

That is, one in five students were given extra time to complete their GCSE and A-level exams last year in independent sector. This is significantly higher than the one in eight pupils given additional time at state schools.

Also worth watching

While all the resources above will help those teaching students with dyslexia is also worth checking out our large selection of Videos to encourage dyslexics. These are not only great to share with students they also explain and clarify strengths and weaknesses of dyslexics