Consultancy @ Home
This consultancy sevice consists of a home visit; where you can choose whether I work soley with you, or you and your child.
What happens in a typical Consultancy @ Home Session?
I train parents and often their children to utilise technology, offering techniques and strategies to aid learning. Exactly how this is acomplished depends on the needs of the family and the age(s) of the children.
The initial session ordinarily takes a minimum of two hours, during which we:
Ascertain which strategies/solutions would be beneficial;
Create user accounts;
Train how to use solutions;
Where applicable, teach a structured methodology for learning & revision;
Afterwards I provide a post consultancy write up of the solutions covered.
Dependent on individual requirements, this might take longer or warrant two separate meetings.
Just talking to someone knowledgeable can save a lot of time,
money and frustration.
Who should attend consultancy session?
For children under 13 year old
For families with younger children consultancy takes place with just the parent(s), as this allows us to talk candidly about struggles, weaknesses, and how they impact on the chid(ren).
There are so many great soltuions to explore, the session duration is way long for younger child to stay engaged.
If logistics allow children could join at the end of the session, this is ideal but not essential.
For children over 13 years old
For older children an initial convestion with parents alone is helpful (this can be done over the phone), then a one to one with the student, ideally without parental involvement is advisable. Hopefully this gives the student the opportunity to voice their own concerns.
This is followed by a hands on session where we explore the different technnology and techniques that would be most helpful for that particular student. Parents being on hand to understand what is being suggested is advsiable. Parents are very welcome to sit in on the whole of the hands on session.
It is not advisable to schedule these sessions after school
It is not advisable to schedule these sessions after school as dyslexic teenagers are normally exhausted after a day at school and therefore not able to make the most of the session.
I would recommend scheudling it at a time in the school day when missing lessons is not detrimental.
I recommend frequent breaks so teens stay engaged. I am often able to have really productive discussions with parents during these breaks.
If you have questions about how this should work in your particualr circumstances please do not hesitate to ask,
How much does it cost?
£70 per hour + £20 per hour travel time + reasonable travel expenses